Proactively Managing COVID

Dear Clients,

On behalf of the team at Proactive, I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that you were able to enjoy the Christmas break.

Well the COVID situation is very different now to when we left the office before Christmas with high levels of community transmission now occurring in our region.

When the COVID pandemic began nearly two years ago, we chose to lockdown the office for ten weeks to protect our team and our clients. During this period, we transformed our office from being semi-paperless to being (almost) fully paperless. We also embraced other electronic tools to assist in conducting our business and servicing our clients. This was a large undertaking and required significant changes to many of our systems and processes. Although not without challenges, it has strengthened our firm and its ability to fully operate electronically and remotely (where necessary) with minimal disruption.

During the current COVID climate, we have made the decision to keep our office open. We have taken a number of measures to reduce exposure for our team and our clients that will assist in managing the continuity of work should a number of our team contract Covid or need to isolate.

We have reduced the number of our team members in our office at any one time by creating two groups which will work in the office alternatively one week and then remotely the following week.  Our team will still be available during their normal office hours for clients to contact regardless of whether they are in the office or working remotely.

Within our office we are using best practices in COVID management including a protective screen in reception, regular cleaning of surfaces throughout each day (in place since June 2020) and also using a Fogger Mister on the weekend for additional sanitising.

With respect to client meetings, where possible, phone or Zoom meetings are encouraged although if a face-to-face meeting is necessary, they will be in our boardroom (max 4 people total) to provide for maximum social distancing. As mandated, masks will be worn at all times by our team and clients attending the meeting.

We have introduced a document basket in reception for contactless document drop-off to reduce cross-handling and to help maintain social distancing. We also have a drop box just inside the office front door for clients that do not wish to come up the stairs.

As the coming year unfolds and we transition to living with COVID as part of normal life, we will continue to adapt as the situation requires in order to give you the best service we can.

We understand that COVID presents many challenges for everyone, both within their business and personal lives.

The team at Proactive are here as always to assist and support clients in any way we can – please do not hesitate to call us if you need any help or advice.

We thank you for your understanding as we do our best to keep everyone as safe as possible.


Andrew Zammit
Managing Director
Proactive Accounting Solutions

"Mackay Building Supplies is a mid-size business that can’t justify a full time accountant on staff. However Proactive Accounting Solutions are definitely an integral part of our team. Basically PAS take the uncertainty out of our financial commitments and obligations, allowing us to go forward with confidence."

- Graeme Kingsbury,
Mackay Building Supplies